Beating the Odds, Five Days of Valentines

Hey Party People!

Yes, I live. Despite the forces of the cosmos conspiring against me I defied all odds and remain on the Earthly plain. That’s not to suggest I’ve had all that many reminders of my own mortality in recent months, but I believe we all carry on with our lives blissfully oblivious to how close we get to buying the farm from time to time.

Life is a gamble and so far we’re all winning!

Speaking of gambles, and this is very timely considering Valentine’s Day is coming up, love is a huge gamble. The decisions you make based on your emotions, love especially, can have a profound effect on you. Whether positive or negative, these events define who you are and can change the course of your life. What’s more: psychology tells us that our memories of negative events are more readily recalled than those of positive events, and they generally leave a larger mark on our personalities.

But if you’ve ever been in love once or twice you already know this. Trust me, I became acutely aware of all this after about the third relationship I was in, but I appreciate the things it taught me and I have tried to use every bad experience as an opportunity to learn more about myself and to improve myself. It may take some time, but if you keep an open mind and drop your defenses you will be able to reap the greatest benefits.

For instance, it took me far too long to learn how to own up to and fix my mistakes, but now that I’m able to check my ego at the door my life has seen a dramatic improvement.

To celebrate this I’m starting what I call the 5 Days of Valentines. Starting today and ending on Valentine’s Day I will post a music video that describes one of my previous relationships. These are not going to be happy lovey-dovey songs, they will focus on the more somber feelings but you have to realize that those are the times you learn the most about yourself and other people.

If you’ve been in a relationship that ever ended badly or have had a string of bad relationships I hope you’re able to see a little bit of yourself from an outside perspective so you can judge your experience little more objectively and learn about yourself and even about your girlfriend or boyfriend at the time.

Tune in tomorrow around this time for more thoughtful introspection.